Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Anjimile Mtila Oponyo to Introduce New Secondary School Curriculum Next Year

The Final Secondary School Curriculum and Assessment Review (SSCAR)  Consultative meeting with University Deans from all Universities and  Colleges in the country was held in Zomba to ratify, modify and put  recommendations before its implementation next year.

Principal Secretary for Basic and Secondary Education in the Ministry  of Education, Science and Technology, Dr. Anjimile Mtila Oponyo said  the meeting organized to consult the Deans from various Universities had  come at the right time to make sure their contributions are included to  add value to the curriculum.
Dr. Oponyo explained her ministry had consulted widely from Chitipa  to Nsanje meeting heads of schools to seek their views to make the  syllabus accepted as a national programme aimed at tackling the needs of  the country for social, political and economic development.

Asked on what has been the major change in the proposed new syllabus,  the Education PS said: "Language (Chichewa and English) teaching will  be a combination of language and literature as one subject."

Dr. Anjimile Mtila Oponyo further said Physical Science has been split into Physics  and Chemistry from forms 1 to 4 adding emerging issues such as climate  change, disaster risk management, gender, information and communication  technology (ICT) were among others included.

She said her ministry found it necessary to consult the university  experts to contribute on the curriculum change especially to look into  the transitional part from the secondary education to university  section.

The principal secretary also said her ministry is intending to put  forward a recommendation to parliament to consider abolishing the Junior  Certificate of Education (JCE) saying the examination at the moment has  no meaning because the standard formal education for employment has  been raised to the Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE).

However, Dr. Anjimile Mtila Oponyo was quick to say the matter needed wide  consultation with all sections of people to reach at a collective  decision adding her ministry had no final say on the matter.

"The current situation is that even if people get the Junior  Certificate, they cannot be employed. Therefore the certificate has lost  its value. Should we continue spending on preparing this examination  and issuing the certificates that will never be used? It's for all of us  to decide," she said.

Malawi Institute of Education (MIE) Director Dr. William Susuwele  said the new secondary school syllabus has taken into account, among  other things, citizenship, economic development, environmental  management, occupational, entrepreneurial, practical, scientific and  technological skills.

He said according to the calendar in September 2014 the form 1  students will start the new syllabus then forms 2, 3, and 4 in September  2015, September 2016 and September 2017 respectively.

Dr. Susuwele said as a center of curriculum development, they decided  to consult the Deans of Universities to make the syllabus rich and  designed for the smooth transition from secondary school level to  university or college level.
A cross section of participants from Chancellor College, Mzuzu  University, Kamuzu College of Nursing, Health sciences, Catholic  University, Seventh Day Adventist University, University of  Livingstonia, Polytechnic and Domasi College among others, attended the  meeting.



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